Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Police are in pursuit of a stolen vehicle

Police are in pursuit of a stolen vehicle in the Long Beach area.on surface streets in Long Beach and Lakewood. 
The driver of the Pontiac SUV had been driving erratically on surface streets in Long Beach. It’s unclear where the chase began. The vehicle raced along Redondo Avenue with the passenger door open.
The passenger jumped out of the car, as the driver continued on, racing along surface streets near the Long Beach Airport. Los Angeles Police Department officers continued the pursuit into Lakewood. At one point, the driver maneuvered up onto a sidewalk and continued racing the wrong way down Del Amo Boulevard.
In a Lakewood neighborhood, the driver jumped out of the vehicle and sprinted through the streets. Around 12:50 p.m. police detained the man.
